I Love Garbage Sales

Jan 17, 2005
Dundee, MI US
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My wife and I went to check out the neighborhood garage sales today and I found a 20g Long aquarium that appeared to be in great shape. I asked the woman how much she wanted for it and she said $5 but I had to take everything in the two boxes next to it. The boxes were full of misc. aquarium junk including 6 undergravel filters, 5 air pumps, 3 Lamp Hoods, 5 heaters, and 2 filters. I threw away the undergravel filters, tested the air pumps and kept the best 2, threw away 2 hoods that I think were for a 55g and kept the one for the 20L, tested the heaters and threw away the 3 oldest looking ones, 1 of the filters was missing the impeller assembly so I threw that away, the other was a Penguin 125 which is what I've had in my 10g for about 4 years with no problems so I kept that too. So for $5 I got about $40+ worth of stuff *BOUNCINGS


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
i love hitting garage sales. usually find at least 1 tank in a day... get a 10g for 5-10 dollars with everything including stand on most of them.....just waiting for the big haul of a 55 to appear for cheap....