Um okay, first off today i noticed a white line, very tiny, going down zeus' tail fin and some other fins.Do u have any idea of what it is?Please tell me its not fin rot. Could it just be his coloring?!i doudt it.its along the outside of hes fins.
Could be fin rot. I might up the water change for a short time and add something like melafix to aid in external bacterial/fungus elemination. Shouldn't be a big deal if it is, sounds like you might have caught it early.
I wouldn't say its fin rot quite yet. If its just a very thin white line edging his fins, a few good water changes over the next few days should fix him up just fine. I've noticed it on my fish occasionally if I've been slacking with water really notice it when you DO a water change, the extra oxygen in the water clings to it and makes it really stand out.