=( i missed it...

May 14, 2004
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My paradise fish just had to "be happy" the day that I was the MOST busy, of course =P

well, he made the nest, and i even got some pictures of the mama and him, but I think they started eating the eggs... i saw him "eat" a couple, then shoot up some bubbles and eggs would come out with them...but sometimes the eggs never came out=P i watched this for about twenty minutes, then had to leave...

now i don't see ANY eggs, but hes got this HUGE bubblenest going and is totaly taking over the entire right corner of the tank.

If there aren't any eggs, how long will he keep up the "have to protect the nest" attititude?

and if there ARE babies in there( im still hoping ;)) how long will it take for them to hatch? he did this on thursday, so its now been about a day and a half...