I need a new bottom dwelling fish, help me plz.


Large Fish
Aug 2, 2004
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Well i got a 3 inch silver gar and a, i say about 4 inch peco eel i think it is. And btw like 5 sec ago my lil hifin pleco jus ate a dead guppy haha. Well back to my info, im looking for a kool bottom dweling fish, as u guys can tell my tank is pretty boring. so can u guys help me by tell me what kind of kool fish i can get, that won't bug my gar, eel, or pleco? and somethin thats small but will grow more later.

thx for ur time


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2004
Garland, TX
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If this is your 10 gallon tank then I think you're pretty much maxed out as far as fish load is concerned. The 'eel' you've got is probably a 'peacock eel', Macrognathus sp. which will reach a maximum size of 15" or so. Your silver 'gar' is probably Xenentodon cancila or a relative and will reach a length of about 8 - 10" in captivity. The minimum recommended tank size for these fish is 40 gallons and a 50+ gallon tank would be more appropriate.

I'm assuming that you've already done some research on your fish and understand that, while they may be fine in your 10 gallon for a while, you're eventually going to need a more spacious tank for them.

The hi-fin pleco, depending on which species it really is (that's the problem with common names) can get up to 32" long and you're eventually going to have to fold him in half to fit him into that 10 gallon.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2004
Garland, TX
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There are a number of interesting bottom dwellers. My favorites, as obvious from my signature, are the bichirs. Once again, however, you're talking about a fish that won't live for long in a ten gallon tank.

At this point I won't say you shouldn't get any more fish but I do hope that you plan to get a larger tank soon. The 10-gallon will be useful as a temporary grow-out tank for the fish you already have. A couple of Corydoras cats would probably be OK for the time being. With the spines they've got as armament...your 'gar' probably won't even think of trying to swallow them.