I need Aquarium help...FAST!!

Ok, heres the problem. I have an aquarium with 3 gourami's and one shark catfish.

So, I feed my catfish the sinker foods, and my gourami's mostly eat that. No matter WHO I asked, or what books I read or where I searched on the internet, I could NOT find out what is the best of foods for gourami's.

So, I don't know why, but my gourami's poop WAY Too much!!! They poop LONG strings of poop all the time!! Every single time I look at them, they have these nasty strings of poop coming out of em. Sorry to get graphic, but this is what I'm working with. First question...is this NORMAL? Or should I change foods? I do not have any money at the moment, we are experiencing a "broke" spell as I was told not to go into work this week or next due to the holiday. So I have absolutly no money at the moment. But the foods I DO have are the following:

Dried shrimp
Chichlid staple
Betta Biofeed
Goldfish flakes
Hikari Sinking wafers(what they are eating now)

Ok but it gets WORSE. With all this pooping going on, the tank nearly STAYS dirty...and I do about 80% water changes a week one day, 25% once a week on another day(I usually only do this if the tank is looking really bad again) Well.....thats not the end of it.

Fin Rot. I noticed my fish getting "darker" even when I clean the tank. Now, their fins are fraying and breaking apart. My moonlight gourami's belly looks...weird. Kind of bloaty looking, but not at the same time...really skinny in the front. Where there was a particularly really dark brown spot on the anal fin...that whole place is GONE...in about the same shape as the spot was. (rounded)

WHAT SHOULD I DO!?? To be honest, I'm FREAKING OUT!! Because this is the only tank I'm having this problem with out of my 4 tanks. All my other fish are doing great and are happy!! My betta even eats off my finger! Anyways, I'm just really freaked out. Oh and please do remember that I do NOT have any money at the moment, at ALL....what can I do about this finrot!? I don't want to lose my gouramis D:
(btw the catfish seems unaffected)

Feb 27, 2009
If the 'sinker foods' are algae wafers, vegatable matter does make any fish poop a lot. Gourami should have a varied diet. It is unlikely that 3 would get along, let alone in so small a tank. They can be quite territorial.

If a 'shark catfish' is Hexanematichthys seemanni, it needs an aquarium of hundreds of gallons. It grows from 14-24 inches, depending on what source you look at, and is a brackish water fish:

The dirty tank is an indication of overfeeding or an overstocked tank, or both.

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Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
10 gallon is quite small. You could get by with large filtration and frequent water changes but a 20 would be a huge improvement with a very slightly larger footprint. I have a 10 gallon tank with a 3" Bluegill and a 3" Sculpin in it. I'm running two small H.O.B. filters on it.

Until you do upgrade I'd advise 50% water changes at least every week, paying attention to the temperature and treating with PRIME.
That's just one 5 gallon bucket. Easy to do. And don't forget to properly service your filter too.

Feb 27, 2009
I don't see how a 20 gallon tank would help, but everyone has their own opinion.

The OP is already doing a 80% water change and then a 25% water change in the same week. Backing off to one 50% water change a week wouldn't be an improvement.