I need aquarium suggestions


New Fish
Jul 5, 2009
Well i am new to the forum and glad to be here..*thumbsups

Well i have owned fish for years and am no rookie (never salt though sadly). I just bought a custom corner 90 gallon or 100 gallon corner bowfront tank off craiglist (not sure which). It needs some work so it will be awhile tell i even have it up and cycling. It has a overflow on it and i plan to be making a homemade sump filter. What i need are suggestions on what to put in it.

I have 2 other tanks. I have a 20 gallon and a 10 gallon. The 20 gallon had a gourami and a bichir in it, and the 10 gallon has a kribinsis, 2 corydoras, 1 pleco, and 2 upside down catfish. I want to combine the tanks but as you all should know is that there is a good chance my 6" bichir would make a meal out of the corydoras and those small upside down catfish, and probaly would find my krib quite tasty too once big enough. So they are kinda uncompatable. So either way i have to get rid of fish because i only want 1 tank with this one being so big.

I love community tanks but i have never had the tank size to do large fish. This is where i need suggestions. Do i do large fish or community tank? Also I need suggestions on what to put in the tank?