Alright. So let me see if I got this right. After being told multiple times that you could really only have one male betta in a 5gal tank, you added TWO gouramis anyway? Wow.
Okay, so here's the first major problem. Bettas and gouramis are both anabantoids, which means they are labyrinth fish. They inhabit the top swimming level of the aquarium and breath air from the surface more than getting their oxygen through the water like most fish. They are also both extremely territorial. I'm not sure the dimensions of your tank, but assuming it's a standard 5.5gal tank, it's 17" x 9" x 11". So, in effect, your three extremely territorial, surface-breathing fish have 51 square inches of space to inhabit. That may sound like a lot, but divide your tank into thirds and you'll see that it's not that much AT ALL.
Secondly, how are you sure that you have a male and female gourami? As far as I know, pretty much all the gouramis (at least all the dwarf gouramis) sold in pet stores are males. Finding a female is next to impossible. So, you'll have territorial problems there, as well.
Thirdly, because that tank is too small for that many territorial fish, they are more than likely all stressed out and wouldn't breed even if you wanted them to.
Fourth, two gouramis, even DWARF gouramis, in a 5gal is too overstocked, so even once you get the 10gal where you want it, they shouldn't stay in the 5gal. MINIMUM they should be in (for two of them IF you can get away with two in a tank) would be 20-25gals.