i need help getting my nano tank running


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
ok---i have currently a 10 gal hex tank running for about three days with 13 lbs of live rock and about 20 lbs of live sand. i have a canister flu 104 connected with a bag of carbon-- i need help - i have 36watts power compact running--everything seems like its going smooth--i plan to cycle for like 3 weeks. i need to know what chemicals/carbon i need to put in my canister . i plan to put like 4 fish such as clowns ---is my set up good --what else do u recomend? i just want my tank to run smooth---

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Hi jcs and welcome to the tank.

I just srated my nano as well as a few other people around here. First off the canister with the carbon is not needed. I would just let the LR cycle the tank by itself and not have the canister running. Also you dont wnt to add any chemicals to your filter because this could very well kill and destory your live rock.

The lighting you have no is good as long as you dont plan on having any corals.

4 fish is alot for a 10, but we'll get to that part later.

Their are some other threads in the Nano section that will help you alot



and Cichlid-Mans thread (I couldnt find it but its in here! :) )
Check these threads out and will have most ofyou answers.

Did you buy your rock cured or uncured?


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
ok--so im goin to turn off filter and jus run tank with my maxi jet 600 pump--like i said--i was think leetin it run for like 3 weeks--thats good right--as for my rock--no it was not cured---is that a problem---

another question---when is it a good time to start my filter---and when i do start it---what media do i put in it---


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
you dont need the filter, runing a 10 is fine with out a canister filter. it will just end up causing nitrate problems later on down the road, and buy some test kits, that will tell you when your cycle is done, there is no set amount of time. 4 fish is too many, 2 clowns and maybe a goby or blenny would be ok. also before you buy any livestock go pick up some literature on SW tanks. The new marine aquarium is a good one to start with.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i would say 2 clowns max in a ten g hex...those are very tall = little surface area

books and research are your keys here because honestly it doesn't sound like what you have planned involved either of those things. common freshwater methods are going to get you all fouled up in SW


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
ok aresgod--ur tellin me that i need no canister at all? jus my rock and sand is enough? i thought i need a filter to help catch wastes? im really new at this but i jus wanna try and do it right--i trust u and ur judgements.. so if i use no filter--where do i put the carbon--the pet store told me that i need carbon all the time? is that true?

and another question--once my tank is cycled--does that mean i can introduce fish?


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
well--ur right 1979--thats y im here to hear from u guys so u can help me out in my process--imma take ur word for it--2 clowns max---do u recommend a specific kind of clown? cani put sum crabs and shrimps as well in due time?


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
well before you put any fish in the tank, and after the cycle is complete you will want to purchase a clean up crew. A clean up crew consists of some hermits and snails that will clean your tank. Typical cleaners will consist of scarlet reef hermits, astrea snails, and most other snails.

As for clowns false percs are always good, or you could always spend the extra money for A True Perc.


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
before anything--i jus wanna thank u for ur help and patience.

so ur tellin me that i need nothin more than jus my rock and sand as a filter--u telllin me to get rid of my flu 104 all together? i dont need to keep carbon in the tank? the guy from marinedepot.com told me i needed a flu 104?
a tank is completly cycled when all levels are neutral correct?
and before i put fish--i need a clean up crew----can i over crowd the tank wit the cleanup crew as well?


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
hey occ---it is suggested to do weekly water chages as well-like 20 % correct-----ok so when i mix the salt and have the water the same temperature as the tank----i jus put the water slow into the tank--thats not dangerous for the fish?
sorry if this question sounds dumb

another dumb question---once my tank is cycled----ii dont need to add any buffer or trace elements---if i do--can u recommend me to what i need


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
all you need is live rock and water flow to form your biological filter. no need for mechanical filtration (no fluval). the "cycle" doesn't exist like it does in FW...rather, when you get your LR in and the major die off is over then your tank is cycled; all the bacteria is there. ammonia and nitrite need to read zero for you to have reached that point. you should also show some nitrate. at that point cleanup crew should be added. it is possible to overcrowd. if there isn't enough stuff (algae, sand critters, etc) for the crew to feed on it dies


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Yea you can just scratch the filter, and just use the live rock as yourfilter, but make ure you have some good water movemoent in the tank to make sure your live rock is effective.

Yes your tank is completly cycled when you have:
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 1-2 ppm (decreased with WC's)

and a pH of around 8.2 is needed.

I wouldnt go overboard on a clean up crew, just 5 hermits and some astreas should be fine for a 10.


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
thanks guys--i understand now----bacteria is automatically in my tank from my live rock and live sand and thats what keeps my tank runnin good as long as i do my weekly water changes!
well if i run my fluval with no media and remove the filter pads plus my maxi jet 600----would that be enough for my 10g hex tank *celebrate


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
ok--i have more dumb annoying questions!

so------a nano tank never needs carbon at all?
and as for water changes------when i put the water back in my tank-----doesnt that hurt the fish/tank? do i put the water real slow in a corner ?

what cleaning crew u recommend for my tank?


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
another question i have is if u can tell me what are some good easy/hardy coral or mushrooms that i may set up in my tank . and if u may tell me what u set ur temp. ph. salinity

after my tank cycles-i wanna put sum mushrooms to cover my rock--my rocks i bought were uncured so now that they get cured there nothin goin to be alive on them except algae once in starts growin on the rocks.


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
ok--i have a very good question for u---can u mix uncured rock with cured rock---my friend has sum nice cured rocks in his tank--he wants to give me like 5lbs --if i put it in my tank--will the rock die and all the algae die off durin the cyclin of the tank and curin of the rest of the rock???????


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
no the tank doesnt need carbon

on water chnages just pour the water in, dont go crazy and dump like 5 gallons in in one swoop. Just gently pour it in so you dont disturn the sand and such.

clean up crew Id suggest some astrea snails, and some scarlet reef hermits should be enough

As for corals I dont think your lighting will sustain many corals with 36 watts. But Ill leave that too the more coral savy people answer this one.

And as for adding cured rock to uncured, I dont see a problem. The dieoff wont hurt the other rocks, because even cured rock can have a little dieoff and its not bad. But if it was in your friends tank I would think it wont have any dieoff.


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2005
New York City
thanks occ

u think jus placin a few mushrooms or polyps will be ok in my lightin--i hear there not that hard to maintain and dont need that much strong lightin
jus a little trace elements and calcium
is that right?

so imm un plug my flu---i guess that guy from marine depot dont know what hes talkin about--he told me i needed the flu to catch everything using the pads inside the filter--who knows-ill take ur word for it!

hey occ--i read ur whole thread about ur tank and what u went through--it was cool and very helpful!