I need help identifying my cichlids

Jul 27, 2013
I have a 30 gal African ciclid tank with a yellow lab, a acai(black with yellow fins) and the rest I don't know. ive read its best to only keep certain ones together, and they all get along so far, but I want to know what they are and who is good to put with them. DSC_0300.jpg and if male or female possibly. I really want to know what the little orange one is , it is the cutest and my favorite:)

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Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
The blue with stripes is a kenyi, probably female. If its a male it will turn yellow as it gets older. The orange one is a red zebra - one of the most territorial Africans you can get. Don't mean to burst your bubble but your tank is way to small for the fish you've got. If they're still juvees then you've got some time but that red zebra will likely end up killing everyone else. They can all get along fine however in a 55 gallon. 30g just doesn't offer the swimming space they require. Also African cichlids are known as some of the most territorial animals on the planet. So you need to either have a big enough tank for them to establish territories or overstock enough so that no one gets picked on too much. But either way, a 30g won't work.

Also, post a pic of your Acai, they should be a grayish-purple with yellow fins, not black. It may be something else.