I need help - sick Betta


New Fish
Nov 29, 2008
My wife brought home two Bettas almost a year ago. Both are male Bettas. For a couple of months, both Bettas were doing great. Over the past two months, one of the Bettas has been struggling with fin and tail rot while the other seems to be flourishing. The healthy Betta is large, while the other almost seems half the size of the healthy fish.

I noticed immediately that the sick Betta wasn't right. I have tried many different things to help him. His water is changed regularly and they are both in separate 1 gallon tanks. I have removed everything in his tank except for some rocks at the bottom. I have tried different medications which include API - Furan-2 (at the recommendation of the pet shop owner) and it states it helps cure fin rot and I have used Jungle Fungus Eliminator, which also specifies that it helps the same condition. I notice both use similar ingredients. I also have used aquarium salt in very small doses, as I have read that this helps recovery.

Consequently, nothing has worked. Both fish get API Stress Coat when the water is changed, which is almost always once a week. This condition isn't for lack of care. I've spent a good deal of money trying to help this fish. He seems to be a little fighter and he's been dealing with this for a couple months now, and I want to help him. Does anyone have any advice?

It just seems so odd that one fish is doing TREMENDOUS, while the other, using the same regimen (minus the meds) isn't.

Please...recommendations? *SICK*


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
If it's truly fin rot, water quality is a big factor. What temperature have you been keeping him at and how big is his home? A lot of folks don't realize that bettas need heated tanks. If the meds aren't doing anything, I would drop them and just raise the heat and continue doing regular water changes (every two days to start). Keep the tank around 82 and see if he improves.

Another suggestion, are you sure it is fin rot? Some bettas have been known to nibble on their own tails out of stress.


New Fish
Nov 29, 2008
I am sure it's fin rot. It's not just at the end of the tail. It even started on the top of the fish...a place he can't nibble.

He's kept in a one gallon tank. I don't have it heated. I did do a P.H. test on the water and it was 7.2 or 7.4...I can't remember exactly, but it was within what was considered acceptable.

What kind of heating element would be acceptable? His water is obviously at room temperature right now, which I figure to be mid 70's. Is there a place I can purchase a small heating element online that would work for this type of a setup? Thank you for your response.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Bettas belong in tropical water temperatures. Unless you are keeping your home in the 80s, it is likely your betta's water is very chilly and nowhere near mid 70s. You should have a thermometer on the tank to monitor this. You can purchase small tank heaters, but in a tank that size it is very hard to control the water temperature. Since the water volum is so low, the water temp will swing very quickly and you can end up with a fried fish. PH doesn't really mean anything, what are your nitrate, nitrite and ammonia readings?

What I would do: buy a 5 gallon starter tank (they sell lots of these, some are colored bowfronts, etc.), buy a 5 gallon tank heater and thermometer (you'll need to experiment with the heater until you get just the right temperature, dont rely on the heater's settings), seed the tank from your betta's current home (read how to do this from my website linked below), and start him on a treatment of pimafix. AND don't let the pet shop employee sell you any more stuff or meds. As a responsible fish keeper, you'll also need to buy a drop test kit to test for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate as well.