I have mentioned my dilemma in another thread sometime ago. My daughter has a 30 gallon aquarium with two 4" -5" angel fish that have been in the tank for about 5 years. There is one other fish in the tank - she thinks it’s a platy and her husband thinks its an “Algae eater” I have not seen the tank for at least a year and probably didn’t pay any attention to it when I did last see it. Here is the problem: They are moving, and the Grandsons are both in college, - they want me to take the tank. In spite of the care the fish have had, they have thrived and grown. They have been in chlorinated water with very intermittent water changes. The tank has never been completely emptied or cleaned in 11 years, which means the undergravel filter has never been moved. I can only guess what would be lurking underneath. I originally told them I had no room for another tank, but she is pushing and I have now developed a “kind of” of plan to clear a spot on a large solid desk where it could be safely placed. They have never used anything to treat the water. Does the chlorine dissipate on its own after awhile? (I have well water that is working fine in my other tanks) Do I take the under gravel filter out and clean it? I don’t understand these filters, but I guess I can learn. I read reports from people who use them - some love them and some hate them.
There are a few more things I have to consider before making my decision, but understanding about the chlorine and cleaning that filter will be a start. (There could be a huge difference in pH, too I suppose) Thanks for your help!
There are a few more things I have to consider before making my decision, but understanding about the chlorine and cleaning that filter will be a start. (There could be a huge difference in pH, too I suppose) Thanks for your help!