I need help with my barbs.


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2006
I’m loosing barbs one at a time. It seems that some of them are loosing their tales and fins. Some are just floating upside down and laying on their sides.
There are 2 Tiger, 2 Albino, 2 Green.. I lost a 2 albinos and 1 green and 1 tiger in the past 2 weeks.
My PH is high but I leave it there. I have a 20 gallon glass tank.
I also have 6 neon tetra 1 glow tetra 3 taillight tetra 2 cories and a butterfly pleco. The only fish that are dying are the barbs.
After water changes all of the algae is gone from the glass. I had to borrow a plastic plant from another 10 gallon tank for the algae.
I have posted this thread on FreshWater General Discussion also. Please help.