I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have a Dojo in my ten gallon with another Dojo and a bala shark, a rainbow shark and a striped Rafael catfish. The littler of the two Dojos is either getting eatin by something or we just found out we have an ammonia problem. What could it be? There is a little discoloration where his "wound" is. it is alot paler than the rest of his body and when he tries to swim only his upper part (non-discolored) moves. I don't know if that could be a sign. and when you set him in the water he just floats and then flips on his back. He tries to eat, but has a rough time do you know of any cures? He has a little cut on his side where the skin is peeling off. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!

Oct 22, 2002
I'm no expert but your tank is WAY overcrowded and probably has a lot to do with your problems.  To start, Balas need to be in schools and require very large tanks (at least 70+ gllons I've heard).  Your ammonia levels are probably lethal with the combo of fish you have in a 10 gallon.

Oct 22, 2002
Concur w/ DC, that tank definitely needs to be, at least partially, depopulated.  Granted, we have a bala shark in a 55G community tank, but that's a lot better than a 10G.  Not trying to bash you, but there's a serious problem there that will kill of your fish if you don't act quickly.

Why people overstock tanks so often when starting out is obvious to us.  Look at any picture on the box of, say, a 5 gallon eclipse.  The pic shows, if memory serves, 6 angels and 3 goldfish.  Hmmm.  Do we think that might be overstocked?

Bottom line:  Like DC said, tank is way overstocked, could potentially be fatal to fish.  For the sake of the fish, change the environment before these fish do die.

*steps down from sopabox*