I need major help pplleeaassee!!!


Small Fish
May 16, 2009
Hi everybody recently i have been going into the month to month cycle i have a saltwater 8 gallon bio cube with two big corals and two mushrooms, i also have a couple of smaller cleaner snails,one cleaner shrimp, a mexican turbo snail,and an emerald crab But for the past month and a half i have ran into a problem i've been getting this long stringy, thick, dark green slime in my tank i have continuesly vaccumed it out brushed it out and i'm thinking about cutting back my light time to 8 hours and it keeps growing back though:mad: i only have 1 month before i add my 2 clowns *SUPERSMIL but i'm also worried it might kill my corals please any suggestions would be useful!

Mike *twirlysmi

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Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
Well its either algae or cyanobacteria.
If its algae you just have to keep cleaning it out because it is a lifeform that competes for nutrients (I believe).
Cyanobacteria is the same story but it isn't algae and its hard to purge from the tank. Try googling cyanobacteria images to see if that is what you have.

Reducing lighting, in either case, should help some. (But it would help more if algae is what you have)
Although some saltwater pros may tell you to not cut back on the lighting because your (corals need them?) I'm not sure though (my experience is limited to freshwater) I just wanted to point you in the right direction so you know what to research.

You have cleaner shrimp I just noticed. So if it was algae they would have eaten it by now (I'm thinking)
Google cyanobacteria. Thats probaly what you have.

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Small Fish
May 16, 2009
omg! thanks!!! i think that that's exactly what i have! i'm pretty sure that it's cyanobacteria because it looks exactly the same so how should i kill it???

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Small Fish
May 16, 2009
ok thanks i just joined today and i didn't know that saltwater and freshwater was divided up so i just posted on begginer but Thanks I'll try my luck there :)