I need more watts..


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
Dallas Texas
I have a 29 gal that has the original light strip that it came with. It takes one 20w fluorescent bulb. I want to up the wattage on this tank. I don't want to get another light strip unless I have to, so I was wondering..can I do something to the strip that I already have? Can I pull out the ballast on this one and replace it with one that will take a higher wattage? I have absolutely no clue as to how to go about this, so any suggestions will be a help!!!


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
Visit site
How about some tank details . . . plants, fish, why you think you need higher wattage, etc.

You might be able to get a retrofit kit to fit into the hood. Might want to take a look at a compact lighting retrofit. That would give you 55watts. Whatever you choose, make sure it has an electronic ballast.



Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
Dallas Texas
I guess I should have added more details on the tank! Oops. Ok, it's a 29 gal I have had for 8 months. It has dwarf gouramis, cories, and a candy ple*o. I have some amazon swords in it that are doing ok. The tank is just not real bright. It is so dim in there, and I have tried all kinds of bulbs with different color spectrums, etc..It is just a dark tank. I would like to brighten it up and give the plants more light. I have a couple of baby swords that are practically in the dark in the shadows under the larger one that I have in there because of the low light.
I've seen the retro fit kits on Big Al's and DrFosterSmith, but they are pretty high. If I was going to go that way it would be cheaper to buy a new compact strip. I was just wondering what I could to to the existing one to modify it.


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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WOW Mandi . . . that's beyond my tech knowledge . . . when it comes to electricity I can change batteries in a flashlight. I think anything is possible . . .I know I see end caps for sale, ballasts, wiring diagrams, etc.

You might also look at low-light plants such:
Java Fern
Anubias nana
Java Lace Fern
Cryptocoryne spiralis
aponogeton ulvaceus
Dwarf Sag
Java moss

It might be less of a hassle and less expensive to change the plants.

You might also look at a striplight with 2 or 3, T-8 bulbs instead of the single that you have. You would need a hinged glass cover to use with it of course, but it would be less expensive I think than the compact flourescent or even the retrofit kits.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Misawa, Japan
Go to Home Depot in the Outdoor Lighting section. You should be able to find a compact flouresent Flood Light that puts out 55watts. They cost around $25.

Buy 2 of those and buy 2 .99 cent (or cheaper) extension cords.

Splice the extension cords to the wires on the flood lights.

They fit good on a 29gal tank.
Not bad for 110watts for $50.


Superstar Fish
Apr 25, 2003
So Calif.
AH Supply is great. I used their 2x55watt kit on my 29g. using your Normal output bulb, it won't matter what bulb you get, they will all be 20watts.

you won't be able to get more than 20watts out unless you gut and retrofit, or redo the whole lighting. Shop lights from homedepot are the cheapest solution, but a big ugly IMO.

AH supply has some very efficent reflectors (a very important feature!!!) and very nice kits at great prices. You can retrofit with a 55watt PC as already suggested. there are pics of this at the AH site.

...or you can get a pre-built canopy also from AH cheaply.