Super new to this, but I have some Idea. I really like the Tiger Oscar and the Jack Dempsey. I had some friends that kept them and they are cool. Looking around the web I find the Cyphotilapia frontosa "Blue Zaire" super cool looking. I am looking to go 75 - 150 for main tank and my have 29 - 55 gallon second tank at work. I would like some plants but there not that important. I would like some colorful fish. I think I want a minimum of 6 fish in my main tank and would like to have as much activity as possible. I am looking for 2 to 6 fish in my secondary/ work tank. I must have an aggressive fish in one if not both tanks, but I want him in a mixed tank so I can watch him boss around the other fish that swim near his space. I don’t want him to eat the other fish (paying good money for them), I just want him to teach them a little respect every now and then. Please tell me some set ups you think I may like.
I have made a list of fish I think are cool:
Cichlid: Cyphotilapia frontosa "Blue Zaire", Aulonocara baenschi, Otopharynx lithobates, Jewel Cichlids, Tiger Oscar, Jack Dempsey, Yellow Electric Cichlid,
Angelfish, Convict cichlid, Discus
Catfish: Zebra pleco, Cuckoo Synodontis, Glass catfish, Three-lined Cory
Anabantids: Pearl gourami, spotted climbing perch
Cyprinids: Silver/Bala shark, Siamese algae eater, Red-Tailed Black Shark, Black Ruby barb, Rosy barb, Harlequin
Characins: silver dollars
Rainbows: Banded Rainbow, Boeseman's rainbow
I have made a list of fish I think are cool:
Cichlid: Cyphotilapia frontosa "Blue Zaire", Aulonocara baenschi, Otopharynx lithobates, Jewel Cichlids, Tiger Oscar, Jack Dempsey, Yellow Electric Cichlid,
Angelfish, Convict cichlid, Discus
Catfish: Zebra pleco, Cuckoo Synodontis, Glass catfish, Three-lined Cory
Anabantids: Pearl gourami, spotted climbing perch
Cyprinids: Silver/Bala shark, Siamese algae eater, Red-Tailed Black Shark, Black Ruby barb, Rosy barb, Harlequin
Characins: silver dollars
Rainbows: Banded Rainbow, Boeseman's rainbow