i picked up


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
shreve, ohio
today my 2 sons and i went on a mission to find some new fish for my very empty 55 gallon tank. we chose 2 gold gourami 2 blue gourami and devin and patricks favorite 2 opaline gourami. they are doing great so far and the color's the y were in the store where nothing like they are now it is amazing how much my tank has changed in the last 3 months going from a high traffic area into my secluded office all the fish are so much prettier. my one remaining cichlid is doing well not nipping at his new tank mates but i well continue to keep an eye on him just in case he needs moved out in a hurry to the 10 gallon. peace out all
denden *GOLDFISH*


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2003
Aurora, IL
personally I would get even more of each type of gourami for that tank. not only for looks but for fish happiness.

Gourami can either be really peaceful or really agressive (ive heard gold gourami can be particulary pushy) ive seen both types of behavior before....

usually more fish means less trouble overall, since no fish in particular tends to get singled out. not to mention that in a 55G tank you could house a pretty fair number of gourami easily.....

good luck and enjoy the gourami! personally I love them all! gourami are among my favorite fishies!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
shreve, ohio
well i'm into day 3 and all is well they have all meshed together. i have 2 cory cats and of course my cichlid in the tank also i really don't want to push the cichlids buttons to much right now he is tolerating the new fish and thats what i want maybe in the distant future i well get somemore. and my pl*co is about 14 inches long so my tank is really filling out nicely so far. my wife dose like the new fish though so i will keep your advice in the bank thank you for your support.


Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
watch the gouramis as they age. I have had some that were fine when the were younger and as they aged to about 4-6 months they chased each other until one finally litteraly died from being picked on. Alot of fish stores sell males because they are more colorful, but two males in a tank is a disaster waiting to happen. If they do start to chase each other, adding two females to each male may help that.