i put garden trace elements in my tank


Medium Fish
Jun 20, 2003
Australia Brisbane
Visit site
hahaha, was this the stupidest experiment yet, i have done on my tank? i think from whats happened so far, YES. okay first off, my flying fox chucked a total psyhco and has jumped out of the tank and been eaten by my dog. yes they dont die from suffication, they get swallowed whole. now this arfternoon my Contortionist plant has loss half of its strands in lengths. I think i may have put to much in... I did a 60% water change after putting the elements in after 3 hours. i think i will do another big water change tonight to get rid of the elements. Also i added 'thrive' liquid garden firtiliser. a little big no as much as trace. Perhaps i have burnt my plants?

what should be my next plan of action.

lol this is newbie stuff, haha i aint a newbie, but i couldn' resist experimenting.

please help i dont want my $60 of plants and $50 of fish to die!!


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If I were you, I would put some fresh carbon in my filter to get rid of the fertilizer ASAP. Garden fertilizers often contain things like metals that may make your fish sick (especially copper).

Make sure you have enough light for your plants (it depends what they are, but you probably need at least 2 watts per gallon). Plants generally take their nutrients from the fish waste. There are aquatic plant fertilizers available, but they are not really the answer if your plants are sick. You might also want to consider CO2 if you have a heavily planted tank.