Today I went to the LFS on a cricket run for my geckos and saw the most beautiful orange (tangerine???) discus. It was young, only about 4 inches, and priced at only $29.99!
Instantly I wanted to buy it. But my common sense told me to think about it first and post questions here to see what you guys think.
I don't know a whole lot about them, other than they are breathtaking. This little guy came right up to the glass and watched me as curiously as I was watching him.
Here's my tank stats of the tank I would want to put him in:
55 gallon community. temp = 78 degrees, ph tends to stay right around 7.0. Soft water. I have a Emporer Biowheel 400 and the extra chambers are stuffed with filter floss (for additional bio-filtration).
Current inhabitants = male and female kribensis, african butterfly fish, three x-ray tetras, 15 or so assorted danios, young red tailed black shark, two female mollies, one kuhli loach & four bronze cories.
I try, I really try to do a couple 20% water changes a week. In all honestly, most of the times I do a 30% once a week change. Nitrates are always under 20 ppm when I test them.
Just in case the layout of the tank matters, here is a pretty recent picture of it:
Would this be a bad move, or would it be ok? Either way, I'm fine, one one hand I would love to have this beauty, on the other hand, what little I do know of them is that they require pristine water conditions and if it means having to do 3x per week water changes, then count me out.*thumbsdow
Instantly I wanted to buy it. But my common sense told me to think about it first and post questions here to see what you guys think.
I don't know a whole lot about them, other than they are breathtaking. This little guy came right up to the glass and watched me as curiously as I was watching him.
Here's my tank stats of the tank I would want to put him in:
55 gallon community. temp = 78 degrees, ph tends to stay right around 7.0. Soft water. I have a Emporer Biowheel 400 and the extra chambers are stuffed with filter floss (for additional bio-filtration).
Current inhabitants = male and female kribensis, african butterfly fish, three x-ray tetras, 15 or so assorted danios, young red tailed black shark, two female mollies, one kuhli loach & four bronze cories.
I try, I really try to do a couple 20% water changes a week. In all honestly, most of the times I do a 30% once a week change. Nitrates are always under 20 ppm when I test them.
Just in case the layout of the tank matters, here is a pretty recent picture of it:
Would this be a bad move, or would it be ok? Either way, I'm fine, one one hand I would love to have this beauty, on the other hand, what little I do know of them is that they require pristine water conditions and if it means having to do 3x per week water changes, then count me out.*thumbsdow