I said I'd post a pic...


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
... but wow, this one is just BAD. Hope it works either way though. I tried to get a better one of him in the tank but he's just way too stressed right now and I didn't want to make it worse.

ANYwhooo, he's a ~5" Frontosa! That was FREE!!! The owner of the shop asked me if I wanted him because she just didn't have anywhere to put him. They are a little store with mostly bread n' butter and other pet supplies.

Gotta play a little musical tanks but eventually he's going in my 90 gal. Right now the plan is to DIY a 210 in the spring (too cold to work outside right now) and he'll end up in there.

Chris Argue's Photos | Facebook

... I know, the pic sucks... I really wanted to get something up because I said I would though...



Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Dude, Nice! Do you know what type he/she is?

So are you going to get him some buddies in that 210? I've always loved the look of a big school of fronts. Such peaceful giants. Heh, I just love Tangs in general though :)


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Eventually, I'll get more. The only reason I haven't gotten some before this is cost. Normal 1" young retail for $30 in my area, that's a nasty bill to swollow for a school ;). It's odd though... I've dropped more than that for marine fish, I don't know why it bothers me for freshwater??

No, I have no idea what type locale he (I think "he" based of the nuchal hump) is but once I can actually see him I'll start doing some looking. YAY research lol! ;)

Yeah, I've always been a Tang fan! Been fighting the urge to get some Neolamprologus caudopunctiatus for a few months now... I LOVE those guys!


BTW, that was the biggest bag they had lol. Like I said, most of what they do is B&B nothing big. I actually had to bag him by hand because he didn't fit in any of their nets, been more than a few years since I've done that... Still got it though ;)