i was at my local fish store when i wanted to check out there selection of male guppies, i was suprized to see a male betta in a tank full of beautiful male guppies!!! i watched the betta for awhile to see how he acted with them since i always thought this was a big "no no".. he seemed happy, and would chase some guppys a little, but nothing close to being bad... i looked to see if the tank had "male betta" listed on the tank to see if he was for sale... and it wasnt for sale.. if he was, i would have bought him for my tank... i wonder if you can pick out a "laid back" male betta at a pet store by seeing how affected he is by being next to another betta, and if he doesnt seem to care and flare up like hes going to jump out of the bowl to get to the other fish and kick some butt, that may mean there low tempered, and maybe ill buy one, and see how it goes!

do you think if you put a betta in a tank, and you observe it for and hour or so, and doesnt seem to care about the other fish in the tank, does that mean its okay? or do you think he would eventually start to want to go after the other fish... would a betta kill another fish?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It's true that some bettas are more laid back than others. However, I would never take behaviour I see in a LFS as what will happen back home in your own tank. Fish stores have very heavily stocked tanks, often with incompatible fish, but as it's only for a week or two, it doesn't always end in a problem. Of course, the store also has another 10 tanks it can move fish to, if there's a problem. The example I usually think of is blue gouramis; they may have 20 in a tank at the store, but you can be fairly sure that if you bring several home, one will kill the others within a few weeks or months.


Small Fish
Jul 11, 2005
Gainesville, FL
Lotus said:
Oh... bettas and gouramis are a baaaaad mix.

Whoa! Is it? The guy from my LFS said it was ok.

Pictured above is my Flame Dwarf Gourami and Male Betta.

They seem to be getting along fine for the past 4 weeks. Nothing has happened. Just today the gourami started chasing the betta, the betta runs away. I actually thought they were becoming good friends. Since I bought the gourami to replace the 4 white skirt tetras who were bullying and nipping on the fins of the betta. I don't wanna give away any more fish, I hope they get along, please dont make me choose :( .

wow tank looks great, your gourami looks just like mine, i didnt even know gourami are agressive, mine seems to be a big wimp, hes runs from my little male guppy and my balloon molly, maby i will give it a try... where did you get thoes little pieces of drift wood? thats going to be my next buy, or im not sure if i want big rocks with holes... what size is your tank?


Small Fish
Jul 11, 2005
Gainesville, FL
That drift wood you say is actually just a piece of artificial rock, everything in there was just from the LFS. The tank is just a 10 gallon I started at the beginning of summer, since I just got into the hobby recently, hopefully it'll evolve into 300 gallon saltwater powerhouse in the future, if either I win the lottery or inherit money from my dad, who I hope wins the lottery someday.

Goodluck on your tank, hopefully all your current and future fish gets along.

sounds just like me! haha.. i have a 10 gallon, i bought it for my boyfriend because he just remodled his basement into his room and i thought it would be a good gift... well hes now in the Marine Corps and i stole his fish tank and took it to my house since his family would never remeber to feed the fish... i love the fish tank, and would love to get atleast a 70 gallon.. somthing big, but i think my mom would kick me out of my house! haha what fish do you have in your tank?


Small Fish
Jul 11, 2005
Gainesville, FL
Nothing special, just the two above, Gourami and betta, plus 2 albino cories. I was inspired by a couple of friends who had well established saltwater tanks, and my gf noticed that i've been preoccupied with the idea of starting my own, so one day she bought me a 10 gallon kit. I love this forum, slowly but surely, my fish knowledge grows with every visit

Jul 13, 2005
Can mild mannered male bettas be kept with gouramis??

From what I have read at this site, it seems bettas are really color sensitive, and do not like guppies with bright or similar colors, that and they nibble of the red bits off their tails, ect. So I was wondering if my VT betta, Cpt Zissou, who seems very mild mannered, could be kept with gouramis of extreme color differences. His (tiny :( ) bowl is between an empty 5-10 gallon terarium that I am planing to keep gouramis in, and Joque's (VT betta) larger bowl. Joque and Cpt. Zissou seem to get along ok through their bowls, more than I would think to male bettas would, and I was wondering if it was the fact that Joque is deep blue and red, and Cpt. Z is mild mannered and mostly white with slightly smaller finnage. Could this have anything to do with it? Could I put Captian Zissou in the bigger tank with dwarf gouramis? Will he consider the gouramis a threat or the gouramis consider him a threat if I buy ones that dont look threatening?? :confused: