i see alot of you have plecos?


Medium Fish
Apr 12, 2009
is it important to have one in a tank? do you think it would do ok with my johanni? are there different kinds? are there other choices? do i ask to many questions? lol!
new 50 gallon tank

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
Robinanne, never too many questions, especially when it comes to health of your fish. I try to keep a pleco in all my tanks for algae control, however there are a lot of different methods to keep algae down. I too like the way plecos look, their armor and color can be super cool, depending on which ones you choose. Plecos, though, are not mandatory for every tank. They create a lot of waste and will generally grow too large to keep in most aquaria. There are some species that stay small like the rubberlip/rubbernose/bulldog pleco and the bristlenose that both don't grow over 5". If you do get a pleco for your tank, just make sure to research the kind you will buy. The common pleco can get over 2' long and is not suitable for most home aquariums. Hope this helps robinanne.

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
I agree 100% with the above.

You can look into other choices to see what your preference is. For me, I'm going to use apple snails as a cleanup crew. Some people use siamese algae eaters, lori cats, shrimp and well there are sooo many others.

It is my understanding that there isn't enough algae in the home aquarium to keep a pleco fed and happy and that their diet must be supplemented with algae wafers. And like mentioned above, common plecos are tankbusters that imo contribute their share of ammonia which could potentially lead to poor water conditions and other problems.


Medium Fish
Apr 12, 2009
in all the five fish stores we went to today all they offered was the common pleco. i have had these before and know how big they get. besides i wanted something different. they didn't have any of the cat fish that were not tiny or other options mentioned. not even snails. i thought i read the snails reproduce so fast you have to keep eliminating them?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I agree, you're more likely to find different kinds of plecos in independent fish stores. Perhaps if you let us know what area you live in, someone may know a store that commonly sells other kinds of plecos.

Petsmart sometimes sells rubbernose plecos, which get to about 6 inches.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2009
Upstate NY
im looking into some other algae eaters
im heading to petsmart at the end of the week to see what they have to offer (ive done some googling) and also looking into what kind of plants they offer because i just read a post the other night about some LFS selling plants that are not actual aquatic plants
ill keep ya posted

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
in all the five fish stores we went to today all they offered was the common pleco. i have had these before and know how big they get. besides i wanted something different. they didn't have any of the cat fish that were not tiny or other options mentioned. not even snails. i thought i read the snails reproduce so fast you have to keep eliminating them?
Yes that is true of pond and other snails that are hermaphrodites. Apple snails however, are either male OR female. So if you have one only...no babies.
Also they grow pretty big (about the size of a tennis ball).
Just throwing that out there.


Medium Fish
Apr 12, 2009
well now that that would work. i will only have 3 5" fish in the long run in my 50 gallon tank so that wouldn't be too much. i will have to look them up. with my luck i wont be able to find any!


Small Fish
Sep 16, 2006
winnipeg manitoba
apple snails are easy to control, they lay pink eggs above the water line so they are easy to find and remove
the eggs take 2-4 weeks to hatch depending on conditions and if they fall in the water they drown and wont hatch
they do eat alge, but most will eat your plants too


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
while I prefer plecos, I also have snails. One snail option though is the nertile snail it can live and thrive in FW but to reproduce successfully it has to be in SW. So no worries of being overrun. I have heard they are a very good algea control option. I have a heavy population of hitchhiking pond snails in a planted 10G and they have little effect on the algae in the tank. There are many things that can cause algae so if you are experiencing a heavy amount you may need to figure the cause of it. While algea is not always a bad thing and I like a certain amount of algae in my natural tanks some do consider it an eyesore.


Medium Fish
Apr 28, 2009
Pinellas Park, FL
My bristlenose plec works around the clock and won't get more than 5 inches long. Otos are good if you want a group of small non-cory cats. I've heard that the fish sold as "algae eaters" turn into monsters when they mature.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
Most plecos do get large and usually stop eating algea when larger and prefure wood so i don't keep them. I have an algea 'crew' in my tank. I a siamese algae eater, a few otos, a couple algea eating shrimp and a ton of malaysian trumpet snails.

I like these snails cause the look cool and they mostly stay under the substrait durring the day only to come out at night. Also they do not eat plants.

And yes chinse algea eaters become agressive twoards other fish when mature