i think he is dying :(


Large Fish
Feb 23, 2005
Preston UK
hi i have a betta in a 30 gal community tank all is well with the fish apart from my poor betta.

when i first got him he was very active chaseing the other fish and making sure no onther fish came too near of his rock that is in the center of the tank. but now all he seams to do is hang at the top of the tank between the filter and the heater not doing much, infact he rearly goes anyware even for air. im realy worried that i might loose him my water temp is 80 + ph is 7.8 nitrates are about 12ppm and my ammonia is 0ppm

what is wrong or could it be old age as he looks quite battle scared and taty then i got him :(


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I agree...there probably isn't a problem. The chasing and being active is really not normal, (moving yes...but not moving and being as active as other fish tend to). How long have you had him? My betta pretty much only moves when he thinks there's food involved...ie, if someone comes into the kitchen near their tank he comes to the front begging for food.


Small Fish
Mar 7, 2005
I don't know...my bettas are all very active. They are moving all the time. I have had one for over a year and a half now and he's just as healthy and active as when I got him...and he had to be about a year old when I bought him.

I think bettas need other bettas near them to keep them interested in thier surroundings. All of my betta have betta neighbors and they all seem to do very well with each other for company. None of them are frumpy and inactive at all.

Do you have a strong current in your tank from the filter ? He may be stressing out from having to battle that if it's so. Hanging out behind the filter tells me this might be the problem as the current back there isn't quite as bad. You might want to take him out and put him in a smaller tank to himself and see how he does. Keep the water very clean and still. If it's just the current bothering him he should come around pretty quickly.

All the best ! :)


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
One of my bettas is a right lazy sod and is often found lounging inside his rock. He shares a tank with 3 upside down catfish and one black mystery snail. If the cats come too close to his rock he chases them around and sometimes he puts his nose right on the snail and stares him down. He always wins the staring contest, lol

The other one is very active in a 1.5 gal with a gold mystery snail. (should prolly switch them eh??)

Anyway, if you've checked him for any physical signs trauma, fungus, ich, etc and he's all clear then I wouldn't worry about him. You could put him in something smaller to himself if you just want to safe. :)

Good luck!