I think I am ready to upgrade

Nov 7, 2005
I have successfully cycled a 5 gallon tank with 4 neon tetras, one small orange fish (forgot the name) and one bottom feeder (again, forgot the name) They have been living happily together for 3 months now. I am hooked on the hobby and want to upgrade to a 10 gallon. I will give my DD the 5 gallon as she only has a 1 gallon now with a couple of tetras in it. I want to move my fish into the 10 gallon and add something else that is fun and friendly, but won't get too big as I have learned my lesson on overstocking while cycling. The orange fish I have can get a tiny bit nippy. He is a platie of some sort. Any ideas?


Large Fish
Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
hey lissa-dude...go for the fish-less recipe...that link is the one i'm gonna use...itz gentle on the fish ['cos they're not in the nasty-soup :)]

and i totally agree with the other reply too...go for as big a tank as you can...better for the fish...can handle more fish...easier to measure bigger amounts of water...and cooler to look at... yehaaaaaaaaaa... :)

40 gallon...just about to fishless cycle...
5 gallon...oscar the pleco...bert and ernie[zebra loaches]...

[40 gall is of course the eventual home for me 5 gall fish...:)]

Nov 7, 2005
Thanks, all! I am going to do the fishless recipe. I did cycle the other tank successfully, but lost about 4 fish in the process. I have learned alot! Unfortunately all i can have right now is a 10, maybe a 12. I will even check out the 15 gallon. Maybe in a few years I can go larger.
