I think i have a sick fish. Help!!!


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have an aquarium with mixed fish. I have a female guppy which is getting very thin lately, though it still is eating something. I don't know if it reduced its atpitite i don't know how much it ate before.  I have other fish in the same aquarium such as angels, gouramies ... and i don't want the others to get sick as well.  I read on this website that it could be either tubercolosis or vitamine deficiency, and i got a little bit paniced at the idea of a TB :'( . Help me please.



TB is getting extremely common IME, but that doesn't mean your fish has it. Does she have any red markings on her body, open wounds,... Is she swimming normally. If I were you, I'd put her in a separate tank, add some vitamins in her food (soak the flakes in a couple of drops of vitamins) and add some to the water and watch her closely.
TB is very hard to diagnose and it's a zoonoze-that means humans can get it too. You can find more info on TB here: http://members.optushome.com.au/chelmon/Myco.htm