I think I've got ich


Small Fish
Oct 15, 2005
I have a 55 gal sw tank that has been fully cycled with 0 ammonia, nitrate, nitrite good ph, salinity for several months. Some of my fish have developed white spots like salt and it looks exactly like the ich my brackish water mollies and goby got. I have successfully treated them as well as hopefully prevented it from spreading to any of my other 4 freshwater tanks. Could I have passed the ich from the brackish water tank to the saltwater and if so how do I treat it. I do not have a reef tank. No corals. But I do have about 25 lbs of live rock and have some great cleaner shrimp. I got rid of the ich in the brackish water by simply raising the temp to 90 (I read about this on the net) and the fish seem to be tolerating it fine. I chose not to go with chemichals due to my violet goby. I think he is a scaleless fish(?) and most treatments said they were not ok for them. I do have a med that is copper based and another one that is malachite green. Please help because my royal gramma has dissapeared and I'm hoping it didn't die and my tiny blue tang is looking bad also. If it matters I also have a choc chip star. Thanks


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sounds like ich. You have two real options - copper of hyposalinity down to 1.010 or so. Nothing else is guaranteed to work. You cannot use either of these in the same tank as your inverts so you need a second tank (a 10 long will be good) -fill that guy up with water from your display, addthe fish and add the meds. Tangs can be sensitive to copper also, but copper seems to work faster for me than hypo.
If you have a HOB filter or similar stick it on. Good luck . I have tried most of the 'reef safe' cures, none of them work consistenly, Also I believe recent work shows that adding metronidazole tofoods helps, though not just adding it to water


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Lucky for you. Search the other boards and most people report no success with Kick Ick. I reckon it's as helpful as doing nothing but a water change. I am very cynical of these miracle cures - Kent RxP is a disgrace - noone seems to have had any joy with that