I think my betta might have ich!

Nov 10, 2003
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Hi all, I think my poor little guy might have ich. I went away for the weekend and when I came back he had a tiny white spot on his white fin and one on his head behind his eye. I used a product called Nox Ich for the last two days and my last day for that treatment is tonight. I was wondering if there is anything else you would recommend beyond what I've already tried. In addition, how can I avoid this in the future?

Good news is that he's acting the same for the most part. Still eating, still wagging his tail when he sees me, although this morning when I came in the room he flared up a bit, that was really strange...

Thanks in advance for your help!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Hmmm... most Ick cycles are about 28 days... so I wonder why your medication is only saying 3 days for treatment?

The Ick parasite cyst (white spot) is not treatable, its only one the cyst bursts and the parasites are free swimming that medicine can get at it and kill it off.

Coppersafe by Mardel is the best treatment for Ick. My Rigel (big blue betta) had visible signs of Ick for about a week.

You may want to consider using another treatment for a longer period just to make sure you kill it off.

Oct 26, 2003
Toronto Canada
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I Disagree. I have found Ich to be a wussy of a parasite. The 28 days is innaccurate. It takes this long in a cold pond at like 55f. At 80f, it takes 5 or six.

Id use noxich another 2 days to be sure.

Coppersafe kills biofilter and takes forever so I think you did the right thing.

A sick betta wont flare up so chin up!