I think my fish has ich...


Large Fish
May 11, 2006
Guelph, ON
...but I am not sure. I tried finding some picts of it on the net but for some reason I couldn't. He's a sunset dwarf gourmai. He has a small white-ish red bump near his back fins and a larger one on the top of his head before his dorsal fins. He also has a large red patch on his cheek (?) (k, I don't know fish anatomy but it's near his mouth). The red patch showed up a week or so ago when i did my morning check. I thought it looked like a nip mark so I decided to take him out of my larger tank (the bigger fish were picking on him) and he is now in a 10G. I thought the other bumps on he body were nip marks too but now I am not so sure because they seem worse. Any suggestions?

He doesn't seem very happy in his new tank which makes me sad. He just floats around in the corner and doesn't get really excited about food like he used to. The water quality is fine (the tank is cycled- I had an extra filter in my already cycled tank) and the temperature is just below 80. He's in with a small school of neons.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If there are patches, and red parts, it's not ich. It sounds to me like a bacterial infection or possibly a fungal infection. You can try treating with Maroxy or a medication that treats both fungal and bacterial infections. It would probably be better to treat him in a hospital tank.