I think my swordtail has ick and need help!

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
While looking at my fish today, i noticed one of my sowrdtail has a white spit in the back fin. I am thinking its comming from some sort of shock because weather in my house is now hot and for me to cool the tank i freeze the tank water and then float the bottle in the tank till the ice melts. The bottle was kind of big. More than a gallon big.

So now i have treated ick before but i dont remember how i did it. I dont have another tank set up right now but i do have empty tanks. Since normally there has to be the bacteria in a tank you to set up........I dont know what to do. How can i cure this fish? If i remember right i think ick is contagous and i dont want my other fish to die. SO what do i do?????!!!!!

Also what is the best medicin to treat ick?


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Don't bother setting up another tank. If the tank you have is already infested with ich then you will need to treat the entire tank. I don't really understand your method of cooling the tank, or how that would really effect an outbreak. Stress usually causes an outbreak but the gradual fall in your temp shouldn't have done so. Have you added any new fish lately?

Anyway ich is very contagious and if you do a search here you should find a ton of info. There are two basic methods with varying degrees of usage and popularity.

#1 heat and salt method
#2 use of medicine

I would look at both and see what suits your needs best. If you have any questions about eithers application just re-post and I am sure many will be able to help.

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
my method to cool my tank is i take a big bottle, anything that is clean like for example a bottle of water. I fillt the bottle with tank water and freeze it. Then i put the bottle into the tank and let the ice melt. is it clear now?

I havent added any new fish. My temp was at 80F and it did go down to about 74-76 so thats why i think it was the temp.

Other than that i have no idea where else it would come from. My fish have never had any diseases


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
80F isn't reallly something to worry about in the tank. Cooling it down 6 degrees in a short space of time will stress your fish, and probably caused the ich outbreak. If you really feel you need to cool the tank, use smaller bottles so you don't drop the temperature too fast.