I wanna buy a crab...

Oct 22, 2002
In a world of my own...
I woke up today and decided I wanted to buy a crab or 2 for my 10 gal freshwater tank.  I'd like a crab that can stay underwater all the time or swim up if it needs to.  If there are any crabs that will clean things up a bit, that would be nice.  Crabs that aren't aggressive would be best.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
get yourself some red clawed crabs. they stay small (about 1-2" around) and under water all the time. just make sure you have a nice hideout for them..mine are kinda shy but they help keep the tank lookin great.. btw there are others that would fit the bill but i cant remember them. just do a search for freashwater crabs..

Oct 22, 2002
In a world of my own...
I looked around the web for info and those guys seem to be the most likely candidate assuming I can find some around here.  My LFS may have some but if not I saw some crabs at Petsmart but I don't recall what kind they were (being new to fish , I hadn't seen Persmart much in general, I was impressed by thier selection.  They had knifefish for a limited time.  Conditions were awful though) so I'll see what I can get.  Anyone have any advice on keeping crabs?