Just one.
And I want some various cyprichromis.
Is this possible?
Also some other in between type fish to balance it out, but I haven't decided...
basically my experience with fish is limited to south american varieties that fit in a 20 gallon, and now I want to get a 72 gallon and do some africans....
cichlid-forum.com wouldn't reply to my post, so I thought I'd try you guys, as I've gotten some good responses in the past. Maybe some day I'll be cool enough to post at cichlid-forum.com, but for now I'll settle for you guys. haha.
20 gallon - 1 Angel, 1 Blue Ram, 1 Bristlenose Pleco, 5 Cardinal Tetra, 5 Rummynose Tetra
And I want some various cyprichromis.
Is this possible?
Also some other in between type fish to balance it out, but I haven't decided...
basically my experience with fish is limited to south american varieties that fit in a 20 gallon, and now I want to get a 72 gallon and do some africans....
cichlid-forum.com wouldn't reply to my post, so I thought I'd try you guys, as I've gotten some good responses in the past. Maybe some day I'll be cool enough to post at cichlid-forum.com, but for now I'll settle for you guys. haha.
20 gallon - 1 Angel, 1 Blue Ram, 1 Bristlenose Pleco, 5 Cardinal Tetra, 5 Rummynose Tetra