I want a oscar but what tankmate can i add?


Superstar Fish
I have had Oscars for years and have learned its just best to have an other Oscar of the SAME SIZE. And this sometimes does not work but I feel its the best case scenario. Also you cannot put an African fish (demasoni) with a cichlid. I have tried Jacks several time with Oscars and in a short time it does work out because they try to kill each other. Also in your size tank with large fish such as what you are planning you can only have two Oscars and your pleco. As said, I have had Oscars with Jacks but they fight and they wound each other pretty bad when the get bigger. They also break heaters, hurt themselves on rock decor, and break tank glass. You are probably best just having one Oscar and your pleco if you want your tank to be calm or, try another Oscar of the SAME SIZE. I am not saying another fish wont work its just not likely, when you mix cichlids its a good safe bet that they will fight and fight HARD!!


Small Fish
Sep 20, 2011
KcMopar is a straight up good guy fishy fish. He knows what he is talking about and has done his research and has learned alot through personal experience. I would stick with what he says.

If you want several Oscars in 1 tank first question is tank size of course? I would recommend buying all the Oscars you want at the same time as the next step and make sure there the same general size. From my personal experience this is the best way to do it. Anytime I have added a new Oscar fish to my existing Oscar tank they always pick on it to the point I just cant stand watching it anymore. So buy all at once is my recommendation. You want 3 get all 3 at the same time and introduce to the new tank at the same time. Not necessarily from the same pet store of course. Oscars will eat about anything that will fit in there mouth, and I mean anything just like a dog. They are kinda as I say "the most retardedly-smart fish of the "A-hole" fish world LOL *BOUNCINGS If that makes any sense? haha Hope Kc get a giggle out of that!

This is what I have currently in my 90 Gallon running a Hagen Fluval 404 Canister Filter.

I keep 3 Oscars along with 2 (baby) turtles a Mississippi Map, and a Red-Ear, a Dragon Fish about 9", two 4" Bristle nose Pleco's and 4 Red Devil Craw Fish.

They all do very well together as long as the Oscars keep away from the Crawdads pinchers. (you will notice battle wounds every once in a while) they learn there lesson quickly. The baby turtle are only temporary of course. Its so crazy the Oscars and turtles love each other. There awesome to watch eat together at once. Never seen a fight between any of them! Not saying its not gonna happen of course. You will learn with fish everything is hearsay. Every fish is different. I have had that tank going about 6 months now. All fish, turtles and crawdads were added the exact same day though. I spent about $90 at the shops that day just on live animals. Of course a very very fun day *twirlysmi.

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