Dec 25, 2006
Hi, I have a cycled tank with an emperor 400.... The tank is 55 gallon and has 10 neon tetras ,4 mollies, 4 red minors, 1 cory cat, and 6 guppies........ Well I thought that the fish will breed a lot and yea yea boom have a big population but........ Those fish seem boring to me and not so amusing... So ive decided to set up a 20+ Gallon planted to put those fish in there.. So my only sources of LFS are Petsmart and Petco..

Is there any good combination that is very pretty and swims around and all..... no SW.. in my 55 gall


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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Yes, cories and gouramis are fine together (I would make sure that those gold gouramis are female if you went with that plan though, I think males would fight and pester the dwarf as well).

I second the suggestion for rainbows though, every time I see glass catfish in the store they are just sitting there.


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
I agree a Cichlid tank would be very active. There are a lot of poeple that know more about them then most. They should be able to help you figure out what you can do if you want to go that way.

I would look at the Rate my tank section on here and see what tanks are out there. Also look at the profiles and see what kind of fish you want. Ask questions before you but that way you arent trying to return fish to the LFS.



Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
if you want something interesting do a cichlid tank. any sort of cichlid.
angelfish, jack dempseys, keyholes, or even a tank full of convicts! im sure you wouldnt have to worry about overpopulation if you took out the eggs when they were laid.
and all those fish you have in your 55g wont fit in your 20g. maybe you could just add one or two anglefish to your 55g, but when the anglefish are bigger they'd eat the neons, and not have to setup another tank. that way the anglefish should take care of all of the fry from here on out. and a community tank is always beautiful.
you could even add gouramis to your tank right now, which a dwarf i beleive wont eat any other fish there cept fry, but im not sure


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I agree, DEFINITLY Cichlids. If you got tired of the boring little fish, cichlids are the way to go. They are much more rewarding to own and actually have personalities unlike the tetras, guppies, etc... that (to quote another MFT member) just swim around like dum de dum....

I am partial to Central/Sounth american cichlids, but if you want a LOT of color, go African. What I would do is look up all sorts of cichlids from all around the world, find 1 or 2 you can't NOT have in this tank, and then find other fish that you like that are compatable.

You have not fully experianced fish keeping untill you've been owned by cichlids!

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
poisonXvenom said:
So.... I'm not sure Petsmart has a lot of chiclids but. Anyone live near Duluth, GA? If so. is there a nice LFS other than petco and petsmart?:rolleyes:
The PetSmart in my area has tanks and tanks full of cichlids. Even Walmart has cichlids. I don't know any place that sells place that DOESN'T have cichlids. Maybe they were just completely out or they were all in quarantine when you went in. I'd ask an associate to be sure, if cichlids are what you've decided on. And I have to say, in my limited 2 week cichlid experience, they are definitly the some of the most active and personable fish out there.