I want tons of tiger barbs!!! equinom please chime in


Large Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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So since my 55 gallon has just been destroyed by an ick or fungis problem, when it settles in about 2 weeks i'm going to be adding some new fish. I really liked my tiger barbs and since my LPS hass about 4 different varieties of tiger barbs i was thinking of getting a bunch of "clans" for the new tank.

The tank currently has:

3 Blood Parrots
1 White Gourami
1 Blue Gourami
1 Pleco

1 Very sick barb who may not make it

My LPS has beautiful Albino Tigers, some really nice green ones and some great examples of tigers(the fins are florescent.)

i wanted 4 of each, would that be too many?