I'am new!!!!!!!!


Small Fish
Oct 3, 2007
First off,I would like to say this site rocks and everyone with it!!!! I was into tanks a loooooong time ago and got out of it due to moving. I recently went to a Co-works house and he had the most sorry accuse for a tank I have ever seen.No substrate,no filter,just one power head hanging over the side. The water look like icetea.He said he hasn't cleaned it in about a year and haven't fed them for at least three months.He had three chiclids in the tank that were very sick with ick and popeye.Fins were almost gone and there eyes were very bad.I told him that is pretty weak and he should fix the tank.two weeks later I rolled back by his house for a few cold ones and started to give him some lip about the tank.Too make a long story short I said fix or I will take it. He said "take it!" Fast foward two months and I now have a nice healthy tank.(I hope) One of the cichlids didn't make it,but the other two did. One has some bad scaring and a blind eye,but the other healed up nicely. I thought I knew about tanks intill I cam across this site. Now I realized I know enough to be dangerous.First off I would like some help finding out what kind of cichlids I have. I looked on the other cichlid fourm and found a few that looked like them,but I got over whelmed really quick. My ph is holding at 8.3 and water temp is at 77.If you have any tips or comments about my set-up please let me know. Thanks.


Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Welcome to MFT!
That's great that you've stepped up to the plate and rescued these guys...I'd still keep giving your buddy some flack for letting things get to be such a mess. Poor fishies.

Can't help you on the I.D., but I'm sure some African cichlid folks will be around soon to chime in and help out. ;)



Small Fish
Oct 3, 2007
LOL....My buddy hasn't seen the tank yet(he's not worthy.)Miss Fishy, The tank is only a 29g. Once I learn more about the chiclid familly,I plan on bumping up too a much larger tank. I have a buddy who's father in law is a breeder and has a ton of kick @ss red jewels and shell dwellers for me free of charge. But,before I take anymore on I got some learning to do

Sep 3, 2007
Southeast USA
Good job with the rescue. I rescued 2 leopard geckos off craigslist in the last 3 weeks, what the heck is with these people who don't take care of their pets!?

Sorry I can't be of more identification help here but I just don't know! I have a cross bred version of the 2nd one and I can't identify it; if you figure it out, let me know...


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I'm not worth a crap for Malawi ID's, but the first one looks like maybe a type of OB peacock? Second one might be a type of peacock as well. Or a type of hap. Not real sure, just a guess.

Either way, a 29 is too small in the long term. A 55 would be a good size to look at for longer houseing and giving you more options for other fish, though with most Malawians like these they normally don't play nice with 'fragile' fish, so you'll want to add more of the same fish or similar.

Again, I don't know much about Lake Malawi fish, so I can't offer a whole lot of help. But sounds like your not afraid to get your hands dirty, and that's a good thing :)

Oct 3, 2007
They are both about 6 inches and get along fine.I don't plan on adding anymore fish intill I get a much bigger set up. The new set-up is in the works as we speak. So once I learn a little bit more about the fish themselfs. I will get the bigger tank going! Thanks again for all the input