Ice storm kills 2


Small Fish
Dec 7, 2006
Well we had a horrible ice storm here in michigan..and it knocked out our power for 2 days and with outside temps at like 8* and no heater we lost 2 tetras...i was able to transport the killi, swordtail,gourmai, large pleco, and my two mollies in a smaller tank that we took to the parents that had power....we left behind 3 tetras, 2 cory cats, 1 clown pleco, and 1 large sailfin mollie...the tetras never had a chance...the large mollie didn't seem to mind...and the clown pleco was upside down so i went to scoop it and it wiggle a little so i left it alone....(this water was so cold when i took my arm out i thought i was going to get frostbite!!!i was seriously looking for ice in my tank...!) after the water started to rise i notice that the clown pleco was lived!!!! i was shocked..power has been restored and all the other fish were transfered back into the tank...i really wish i could get rid of the sailfin...anyone in michiagn interested??