Ich and cycling


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I was getting ready to fill up my 110 gallon tank today and begin a fishless cycle. I was planning to seed it with gravel from my established 55 and also use one of the filters with an established bacteria colony. I wake up this morning and my Cichlid Pike has Ich!!

Should I not use the gravel and filter media from the old tank until the Ich is gone? I am pretty sure if I run the temp of the new tank up to about 90 degrees, that should kill all the Ich parasites. Any thoughts on that?

Also, I have not added anything new (fish, plants, ornaments) to the 55 for about 6 months. Where did the Ich come from???????

Mar 6, 2006
Ontario, Canada
The ick is always in your tank it only comes out when the fish are weak or stressed, due to many different circumstances. Who knows i think my fish got it from a temperature change one time. I would treat your tank for 10 days to get rid of the parsasite that you see on the fish. The ick that i have in my tank right now became immune to quick cure med. so i am going to try jungle ick med. and see what it does. As for the gravel in your tank i would avoid putting it in your tank ( thats my opinion) Maybe someone else will tell you other wise.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I have had luck in the past ridding the tank of Ich by raising the temp. I raise the temp about 2-3 degrees per day until I am up to about 86 degrees. Leave it there for 3 days after the spots are gone. I have not had Ich for several years, but this has always worked in the past.

I have read that Ich is always present and I have read that that is false, so I am not sure what to beleive. I am not aware of any changes to the tank that may have stressed them, but who knows.....

Any opinions on using the gravel in the infected tank to seed the new tank? I am leaning toward not taking the chance.