Ich in the Betta Tank

Sep 22, 2003
it seems like the only time i post is when something is wrong! :( i somehow managed to get Ich in my divided 10 gal betta tank. They ALL have it. So i started putting in methyblu today...does that work well? i know it treats ich but it looks like things have gotten worse instead of better today even though this was the first day i put the meds in. Am i doing the right thing? thanks!


Superstar Fish
Ich often gets worse before it gets better. You've got to wait for the ich on your fish to "nest" in their skin, then fall off. The meds are only good against the ich that is freefloating or in the gravel - and not the actual ones on the fish. Which, go figure, are the ones that you really don't want;)

Just follow the directions and remove the carbon as rev said. Raise the temperature SLOWLY up to 83-85F.

I've read that it can help some to keep the tank lights off a lot. Ich supposedly is attracted towards light, so instead of swimming up from the gravel and finding a fish, they may be more likely to stay at the bottom of the tank.

You might have to do another round or two of treatment. But don't give up. Ich is usually VERY curable!!

Good luck!

Sep 22, 2003
well i took the carbon out when i put the meds in and raised the temp. i feel so bad since they all have it :( yeah so im using stuff with methyl blue in it so HOPEFULLY that will start to work....i think i'm also gonna do a water change tomorrow , pretty much nuke the tank, ya know...well i'll keep you all updated and thanks for the help!

Sep 22, 2003
well the ich cleared up on all the bettas except one. he still has a good number of spots and in addition to that is starting to get some fin rot. Now i had done a complete water change and added new medication, so i dunno why he would be getting fin rot. i'm thinking of putting him in his own hospital tank and switching my meds over to copper safe. i was wondering though if i could add melafix to this as well to help stop the fin rot. any advice? thanks guys!


Large Fish
Aug 31, 2003
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even if there arn't any more ich on the fish i would dose again to make sure the stuff u can't see is killed....i've been there before, no more on the fish so i just assumed it was gone, but nope, the little bums hide in the gravel. As far as the fin rot, i don't know, but i wouldn't mix to meds at the same time, someone else who knows more about them should be able to help you.