Ich ~ should I do anything else?


New Fish
Nov 3, 2010
My fish are getting worse as I treat them, so I'm wondering if there's any suggestions.

Monday, I noticed one fish with small signs of ich with tattering of fins and I think another was shimming. I did about a 50% water change, upped the temp to 82 degrees and started a half dose (bc of pleco) of a med containing Malachite Green and Nitrofurazone. I had taken out the filter cartridges bc of the carbon. Two days later I did another half dose (per the package). I fed the fish very little in the time (was that wrong?).

Four days later (Friday) the pleco and one silver dollar died. All the other fish now are covered with the powder stuff and the fins are getting pretty bad. They are also swimming around with their mouths moving rapidly. (I think some have clamped fins but it's hard to tell with all the damage).

After doing some research, I decided to lower the temp to normal (77 degrees), add an air pump, and put back the cartridges. I did a 25% water change and put in a full dose of the meds (plus a little because it isn't an even size for my size tank).

Is there anything else to do?

I have a 75 gallon tank with (now) 6 silver dollars: 3 juveniles. I use 2 Marineland 350 filters.

Thank you for reading all that :)

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New Fish
Nov 3, 2010
I had already added an airstone. I was thinking about lowering the water level, I guess I will, thanks.

(Sadly, lost another fish, but the others are less covered now).