
Oct 14, 2003
Southern Oregon
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they are in my main tank all i have is a fish only tank. with 2 fish, and the coral beauty anglefish is almost dead. im sure it will die soon. this so totaly sucks. why arnt the meds working? from now on im not buying fish still in the bags from being shipped. but where i live the fish stores all sell out the day the fish come in. theres a huge demand on sw fish. here and only 3 stores. i really need a qt tank. i guess i will have to get one so this doest happen agin.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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QT tanks are a must, the reason the meds arent working i would guess is because the tank itself is still infected and keeps re-infecting your fish. The way i have always understood ick to work was that the white blisters on the fish were the eggs of the disease and when they burst they would float around the tank infecting anything and everything because they would sit on the substrate of your tank and it is a never ending vicious cycle that why you need a QT because it allows both your fish and tank to recooperate, the ick in the tank has nothing to feed on so it dies out withing usually 2-3 weeks while the fish in the tank have nice uninfected water and are usually being treated, its the best way to deal with it, everybody please feel free to correct any incorrect info here, hope this helped, so before you buy anymore fish you better buy a QT tank otherwise you will be throwing away your money and killing otherwise interesting fish

Oct 14, 2003
Southern Oregon
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you are right, bu ti do not have a qt tank so i have no option right know, will a 10gal. work for a qt tank i dont think i can afford to large tanks. well i will keep you all informed. is there any advise out there for the situation im in. 1 50gal tank only 2 fish left no coral. i have some inverts but i dont care if they die to save the fish.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Advice number one - don't use greenex. Did you have live rock - well you don't anymore.... and it's probably killed all the filter bacteria in your substrate and so on...
Yes a 10 gal will work for a QT tank. You're going to have to buy fish one at a time, QT them, then introduce them. This is not a bad thing in the long run as it will force you to stock very slowly.
I have a horrible feeling you're back to square one.