Ick and?

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
About two weeks ago I purchased 10 tiger barbs for my 55 gallon.

Of course, they went into the 10 gallon q-tank(and the guppys keeping the tank in cycle went to a 29gallon for now)

They ate well, seamed very healthy, and I thought to even move them a week early.

Then as I watched them the night before I would move them(I usually move the fish on water change day)I saw an otto had a spot, and two tigers had a spot as well.

Well I sometimes treat Ick with salt, but decided to go with maracide, which always works without any ill results.

The same night after treating them on the same day, I noticed a few(maybe 3 or 4) had weird reddish marks right where the back of their dorsal fin moves.

Almost like the fin kinda came off the body at the end near the tail . I could be mistaken(they move so darn fast).

I am not really sure what to think of the kinda open wound looking spot.I had not really noticed it before, and the other 6 or 7 don't have it.

Is this reddish spot a normal thing?(size of a pin head)

It was at the exact same spot on the 3 or 4 tigers I saw.

Any guesses or comments ?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've no clue what it is, I've never observed Tiger Barbs close enough to tell whether it is normal or not.
But if you're suspcious, dose them up with Maracide for two weeks and hold off on introducting them to your main population. If their not sick, it won't hurt them. If their sick, it can only help save you a headach later.

Ick I know is a temperature dependant disease brought on from stress in temperature flucuation. Monitor your temps closely and make sure don't bounce more than two degrees either direction in a 24hr period.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Keep treatment up till fish appear to be getting better. I don't know what your quarantine tank setup is, but it should be a bare tank, no gravel or substrate, and only filter floss in filtration system. I usually use Furan 2 (dosage as per instructions), 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons, and ICK treatment, (blue dye treatment). Keep temp around 80 Deg F, changing 50% of water every other day, (make sure its the same temperature). I add treatment in proportion for water changed. After treatment, changing out 50% water with no treatments to acclimize fish back to regular water. Add carbon filtration till water clears up. Also watch fish poo, see if there wastes are normal appearnace, this is a good indication if fish have internal problems or parasite. If abnormal, feed them Bloodworms only, or medicated fish food. I obtained some from a fish wholesaler. Feed them until fish poo looks normal. *thumbsupsmiley*