ID Fish Please


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
This is the cutest fish I have ever seen. It is in a hospital aquarium and I can't find anyone who knows what it is. Its SW which is out of my realm and it looks like it is from another planet! It is kind of rectangular, with two horns in front and two out the back with a little tail between the back horns and a pig like snout between the front and about 3.5 inches long and an inch thick (like a little origami box) with eyes about 1/4 inch in diameter (sorry - I am not metric) It follows me around and actually looks like a little space cadet. lol


Feb 27, 2009
Possibly Lactoria cornuta (Longhorn Cow Fish). Def one of the boxfish. Quite toxic to its tankmates if it gets stressed. Not a 'newbie SW fish' to be sure.

They are quite intelligent as far as fish go. Mine would come to the surface for me to feed it, but would NOT take food from anyone else. I had to keep time away short or else it would go after its tankmates due to refusing food from anyone else.

That one is young. They get more than a foot long (body, not counting horns/tail). Like a football in size. Mine lived in a 220 gallon reef, but ate every tubeworm I had the first time I left him alone for a week with a 'pet sitter.'

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Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Thank You! I am not planning a SW tank, but waiting in recovery for my husband it was certainly an interesting fish - I had never seen one like it and it certainly was personable! I have no idea how they care for it. It was in about a 100g tank with 5 other fish and everything was sparkling clean. I am sure they must contract someone to care for the tank.