Darn, I don't have my fish health book. Looks like a bit of starvation, some fin rot, I see blood in the caudal fin,...what it die of? Septcemia?
They are all eating well, no fin rot present, the blood was from putting it under the scanner, cause of death = ME.
I have been trying Trout growth crumbs and they raised the nitrite levels to toxic levels, I will not be using them again.
there is a flameback mbuna and it does look some what like it
estherae metricalima and maylandia are both the same fish btw, they are both names for red zebras which it could be one with less color then most seen, but ive seen them with color like that
dont know if you were saying that i had the names wrong or not but they were both right
Poole Public Aquarium when they closed the complex down.
They had loads of adults in a 200 gallon tank, this was one of a batch of fry that was spat out by the female when they moved them.