ID sharks- behavior change?


Medium Fish
Dec 16, 2008
I have 2 ID sharks in my 55-gal. tank. Before I get yelled at for having these....I didn't get them. They came with a tank that I inherited the care of. It's just them and a pleco. in the tank.

They are usually very active, swimming all over the place, but for the last week they have been hiding, at the bottom of the tank behind decorations. It's very odd that they're both behaving in the same way all of a sudden. I did lose a couple fish in a recent move, and had some nitrite issues which have now been resolved. Water tests show no ammonia or nitrites. Water temp is kept. around 76. Could their behavior be changing because they're suddenly "alone" in the tank (except for the pleco. who rarely comes out), or what? It's really odd....throughout the day I see them come up to the surface every once in a while, but other than that I do not see them swimming around in the tank at all. They went from being my most active fish to me checking for signs of life because they're so still!

Any ideas?