Idea for 55gal?


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
This is what i have thought about doing with my tank.Im stuck on what i want to get.Heres what ive got so far.12 msobo,14 red zebra, or 12 electric yellow lab and one german red peacock.I was also wanting to add 2 five-bar cichlids but am worried about them maybe being to aggressive.Sorry for all the ?'s.


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
If by 5-bars, you mean trets, they are Tanganyika and shouldn't be mixed with Malawis.

To be honest, your tank is fully stocked already. You're going to have to thin out the crowd as they start to get some size on them, so I'd leave it be and just worry about pulling fish out not too long from now.

Oh, and the peacock is not going to be happy in that tank at all, I'd remove him as well. Those mbuna are going to harrass him miserably.


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
No,I dont even have these fish.These are just some plans that i have thought about.Like 14 red zebras and 1 grp[for example],and that would be all in the tank.Sorry for not being clear enough.So know do you have any opinions?

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I think he means that he is thinking about those when he says "Heres what i've got so far". Not like he acctually has those already.

I have the exact setup (Msobo and peacock) and they get along just fine, but they are also not fully grown adults yet so you must take that into account.

If you really want a peacock best bet is to go with the Labs for Mbuna. The other 2 species can get a bit rowdy. Other then that they would all be nice in a species tank, all have good bright colors. Thing i like about Msobo is the males will eventually get Blue/Black while the females will hold their yellowish color.

I like the M. sp. msobo (or M. sp. deep which is prettier IMO) so I'd go with those. The plus would be the illusion of having two species of mbuna in the tank with the blue males and yellow females. For that reason I'd think it unnecessary to add other fish and keep it a species tank. Would be awesome with 2 or 3 males and the rest females.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I like the M. sp. msobo (or M. sp. deep which is prettier IMO) so I'd go with those. The plus would be the illusion of having two species of mbuna in the tank with the blue males and yellow females. For that reason I'd think it unnecessary to add other fish and keep it a species tank. Would be awesome with 2 or 3 males and the rest females.
I'd agree with that.

Truthfully, i had my peacocks before my Mbuna...but i just couldn't pass up the 14 msobo they had at the LFS so i put them in with the peacocks (only tank large enough that i had setup and cycled). If i had another tank it probably wouldn't be mixed. Seems like the bigger peacocks are holding the males from showing themselves.