Idea for a Betta tank, what do you think?


Medium Fish
Jul 12, 2003
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I was thinking of getting a 10 gallon tank and sectioning it into 3 parts with plastic see through dividers. I was thinking of getting one male and two females, and put the male in the middle with the two females on either side. Would this work or would they spen all their time flareing at eachother? I woud put plenty of hiding spots for the three of them (plants, logs, caves,...), what do you guys think? Thanks!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I have a 3gal tank that is divided into two with clear acrylic dividers I made. On one side, I have Rigel a male, the other side has Reena a female.

At first, Rigel would flare a lot and got really excited. He built a bubble nest and Reena tried to jump over several times.

It has been a few weeks now. Rigel still flares and Reena follows him around on the divider. I plan on breeding these two, so I will have to seperate them for about a week before I try, otherwise they will not likely spawn.

In your case, I would not suggest you put two females beside a male. He will never get any rest and it will shorten his lifespan significantly. In a 10 gallon, you can have 5 or 6 female bettas alone, and put your male's tank beside them. A 10gal divided tank is not all that pretty to look at, because all your decorations have to be small and live plants are harder to place. Thats what I would do anyway.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Yes, a female betta tank with no dividers. If you get all the females at the same, and have at least five to start with, they should be fine. The alpha may chase the others a bit, but it should not be all the time. Lots of decorations, plants will help, also the more the merrier! In a 10gal I would get five females and maybe a couple Ottos for algea.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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You bet! Have fun with it. I will be posting my tank pictures in the 'Rate my Tank (Freshwater)' forum soon.

I plan on eventually removing all my tank dividers and giving each male and female (breeders) their own tank, just so I can decorate them better, have better filtration (less water changes) and fit heaters for cold winter days. My males will have 3 to 6 gallon tanks, my females wil have 2 to 3 gallon tanks each.

I also plan on breeding my bettas once I have my new barracks system built.