ideal tank dimensions


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Hi -

I am looking to buy a new tank.  Was considering either 29G or 40G, but the space that I have available won't fit a 40G so it will be the 29G.

My understanding always has been that you stock based on the amount of surface area (therefore you stock a 29G the same as you would a 20Long).  Some folks have advised that for the space a 20long is better because it is closer to the ideal tank dimensions (which would be two cubes next to each other).

I would actually think that if you get a 29G and stock it like at 20long, the 29 would be better because there is more water volume to hold the bad by products.

What is the real story??

As an added note, I am choosing the 29G rather than the 20long to give more height to the tank - in my opinion it is easier to view on a standard sized stand than the 20 long.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I was say your on target, if your buy is determined by where it fits. I would rather have the extra height and tank volume than not.

If space was not an issue, then the issue is what type of tank it would be in your plans, and what you can afford.

For example, back when I got my 55 gallon, it was money rather than space. I wish though, I would have gotten a 75 gallon instead, just for the deep width over the 55 gallon for my plants. Now even a 90 gallon wouldn't do it for me, my next tank has to be at least a 150, perferably bigger..but that is a dream as of now.

New SUV  :) + a Baby coming  :D = no new tanks for a while.  :'(


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have yet to meet a single fish keeper who doesn't wish he/she got a bigger tank (no matter what the size).   *twirlysmiley*

Unfortunately right now, I am not limited by $$ but by floor space.  I just want to make sure I get the "right" tank for the space.

It is somewhat frustrating, knowing that I will wish I could have got something bigger, and I had the $$ for it, just nowhere to put it  :'(


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
FWIW I prefer shorter square profile tanks - my 40 gallon is 36x18x15 high, my 65 gallons are 48x18x18

then again since I keep cichlids YMMV.   Angelfish and discus probably would prefer a higher slender tank.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I think you can do alot with a 29g.  But, like Somonas says, the fish you want to keep can have alot to do with your choice.  I have a 20L.  I call it my active tank.  I have 7 tiger barbs two giant danios and a banjo cat.  The danios and barbs are alway chasin' each other.  I've had both types in a 20R.  I know they're happier in the longer tank.  

Good luck with your 29.


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
How about a 37 Gallon its the same width and depth of the 29 Gallon, its just 4 inches higher  30x12x18 vs 30x12x22


Jay S.

Somonas hehehe... what the heck does that stuff mean YMMA or what not.  

anyways, if your pressed for space, why not build your own tank? heck, you could make one 4 feet tall by 2 feet wide or what ever you want~! it may cost a little more but you would be saving lots of money making it yourself then getting one custom made to suit your needs.

I would go for it!

just my 2@



I agree with Jay on building it yourself however Im not sure about 4ft tall only because of trying to clean the bottom (unless of course you made an extension on your python to reach, then that would be really cool).

Im ideal tank dimensions would be as big as possible, space and money dependant. However, a few things to keep in mind:

- tall tanks:
- when keeping plants, they will grow to the top and growth underneath will die out, carpets will also have a hard time too grow unless you increase your lighting accordingly
- maintenance a little awkward when trying to reach inside
- Good for fish that like swimming up and down like discus/angels

- deep tanks:
- not quite as much light required to reach bottom
- more planting depth
- dont have to "crawl" into the tank for maintenance

Im sure there are others but those are some of my dimensions.