Ideas for a 125 Gal

Apr 14, 2011
Just bought a 125g tank and was hoping to get some brainstorming ideas on what might be cool to put in it. I've seen a lot of the themed stuff, but I just dont have the money to be dropping thousand$$$ right now. I'm still just a beginner with this stuff, I've had tanks for years, but just the basic stuff like groumies, etc...


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
You could go with a legit cichlids tank. You could even get a regular pleco.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that's big enough for a few eels, like real freshwater eels.

Elephant noses and black/brown knife fish would be fine. Tiretrack eels would probably work too.

I think it's still might be too small for arowana, full grown pacu, clown loaches and clown knifes.

Now, tell us yes or no for each and why, so we can refine our suggestions.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I don't think I would recommend going with an arowana, just because they get so big.

You could do some sort of freshwater puffer, but there aren't a lot of tank mates for the larger puffers because of temperament (they see others as food) and space requirements. But then again, if your still a beginner then maybe a puffer is a little to far out of your comfort zone...awesome fish but kinda needy! Anyways it was just a thought!

I would vote cichlid tank! All the set-ups I have seen were very cool!

Apr 14, 2011
I'm down to try the cichlid tank. I have never done one. I currently have a 30gal with nothing more than feeder goldfish, and a crawfish (who eats everything i put in). Would it be advisable to try and transfer him to a 125gal if I'm gna put cichlids in it. I like the eel idea, always have wanted one.

I'm not a huge fan of the arowana's. Their definitely cool (and huge) but I was hoping to get a lot of color/interesting fish in the tank. What else can I put w/ cichlids, and what types would you recommend starting w/. I have gravel from the previous owner's supply, but is sand better for cichlids? I want to build a cool looking tank from the ground up, so all ideas & guidance are welcome! Thanks everybody so far!