Ideas for a new fish please


Small Fish
Mar 31, 2005
I have a 10g. Have 4 platys and a pleco (yup, I know, they get big, the fish dealer omitted that piece of info...but that's OK as I do want a bigger long do I have!)...I would love another fish and am looking for any ideas...was thinking a betta but sounds like they can be bullies, or a dwarf gourami...any ideas, assuming you don't think I am overstocking. Tanks had fish in it for 5 weeks.


Medium Fish
Mar 1, 2005
Binghamton, New York
How big is the pleco now? If he is like most at most LFS, he is only about an inch long. What kind of filter do you have on the tank?

Depending on your answers, you might be able to add more fish.


Large Fish
Apr 22, 2003
Was the tank cycled fishlessly? Or is it still in the process? Do you vac the gravel often? How much of a water change do you usually make? A large water change on a good schedule (I like to do 30-40% once a week for my 10 gal) can let you push the limits on stocking and allow you to overcrowd a little, i believe.

If you're not too attached to the pleco, I'd return it to the lfs and perhaps trade it in for another fish. If you really do want to keep him, I guess then hold on to him until you have the chance to upgrade to a bigger tank and try to keep the tank as clean as possible.

I think a dwarf gourami would do fine. Maybe a couple of cories, if you do trade in the pleco.


Small Fish
Mar 31, 2005
I have a junior Whisper but have thought about getting a Penguin Bio. I had the tank running (that is with water, salt, conditioner and ph regulator...and ammonia less) for 5 days before getting 5 platys. A week later got the pleco.(lost 1 platy). Of course I had confidence in the lfs...that was then this is now. Now I have no trust in them. They have been testing my water which is apparently showing high nitrates...and they look at me so accusingly too. The next thing they sold me was a Nitra Zorb bag which has been in there for about 5 days. I intend to take it out tomorrow and get water tested again on Wednesday. I have been doing 20-25% water changes weekly, although more recently twice a week because of the nitrates. But was told at Petco doing too frequent changes gets rid of good bacteria too and recommended water changes every two weeks. So lots of conflicting info. I use the gravel cleaner to do my water changes, dunking the cleaner in and out the gravel. The pleco is about 2.5 inch. I would be sad to give back to store (if they will take him back) but am considering it. Thanks for the advice so far though, I love my fish and want to keep them healthy and happy!


Large Fish
Apr 22, 2003
Glad to hear that you're enthusiastic about the tank :) Well, here's my thoughts on what's going on with your situation right now...

Well the problem with the nitrites - your tank is not cycled. Before you can have an "ecosystem" in the tank, bacteria has to develop. Before it develops, there is a nitrite and an ammonia spike. You are in the first half of the cycle, technically, since the nitrites are high. On second thought - do not add any more fish right now (a bit of a change from my previous response. I think you can add the gourami if you want, after the tank finishes cycling).

Petco gave you some misinformation, I would say. The bacteria develops in the gravel, in the filter, and on the walls of the tank - not in the water. Changing the water does not affect it, and can only help your situation. Indeed, it would reduce the nitrite count. I'd hold off on vacuuming the gravel right now, since the tank is still in the early-mid cycle, it'd probably be best to leave the bacteria to develop there. As for the two week schedule - if you stock lightly, you could probably do them every two weeks if you liked it better. With experience you can decide on your own how often you need to do the water changes and how much to change, in order to keep your tank running best.

Hehe, in general as far as trusting lfs advice - listen to them selectively. Sometimes they know what they're doing, sometimes they don't. In any case, verify the advice they give you here, at least here you can get several opinions ;)

Heh, while we're at it, I'd advise you to hold off on the pH regulator. They have a very short-lived effect, and are generally unnecessary. Fish adapt very well to most pH (as long as they're not extreme, not lower than 6 or higher then 8 for example), and anything goes as long as it stays stable and unchanged. Platies are very hardy fish and won't be too bothered.

I'd suggest for you to get some of your own test kits to keep at home, that way there is no need to keep bringing your water to the lfs to get it tested all the time. Just a convenience thing, really. At least you should get pH, ammonia and nitrite. Especially since your tank is cycling, its important to monitor it right now. Also, if you do decide to change the filter you use, make sure to carry over all of the media, the insides of it, into the new one so that the bacteria doesn't have to start growing again and you don't have to start over with the cycle.

Heh, that's all i can think of off the top of my head, really. Hope it helps. Welcome to the Tank, btw :)


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
plecos do take a long time to grow, so you could probably keep him in there for a year or more before he grest too big. What kind of pleco is it?


Small Fish
Mar 31, 2005
Thank you for your help and advice Angel, that was great! I will get a test kit as I do want to gain that control over what I am doing. The pleco I think is a common pleco? I don't remember the ph level lfs gave me but it was very low...well water, rural location! Anyway, I am planning on using less and less of the ph regulator since reading posts here, wean off it so to speak, with the help of a test kit of course. Thanks again for the tips though. *thumbsup2
I have another question but will start a new thread I think.