Ideas for asian theme?

soo. my husband wanted african cichlids sooooo bad, and we got them,. we've had them for 5months, and he pays no attention to them doesnt do anything with them, i think theyre pretty but they always hide. i want something i can watch swimming around. i'm a big fan of bright colors and flowing fins. i'm thinking about redoing the 40gal tank the way i wanted to do it when we got the tank itself, in an asian theme. i have the decor picked out already, a dragon bubbler or two, a pagoda, some live bamboo, not a fan of fake plants the algae sticks to them worse. we have lots of pond snails in both tanks and a pair of bamboo shrimp and lots of breeding ghost shrimp. question is. what are some pretty bright colored tropical fish or other that would look good in an asian themed tank and are active swimmers that i can enjoy watching them swim around? and would do well together? like i said i love bright colors and flowing fins i also like variety. any ideas?

May 9, 2011
You should look into fancy guppies but dont go to petsmart or petco cause there selection isn't very good if you want lots of different color choices.